Wednesday, November 14, 2012

For new to select occupations recommendations playability characteristics analysis.

   The personal recommendation novice to play the following occupations:
1, Taoism, brush chart speed is not slow, the PK very strong, skills and more, even strokes rich, Enhancing Taoism, you would grasp of perspective, technology initiative to cancel the active technical grasp of the position to judge the distance (ice gun, air waves, flat pick electric Hyun banished all need to grasp more accurately the distance) even stiff, strong flicker to, are very interesting technology. Novices tend to over-reliance on a few rushed but red precisely is the soft underbelly of Taoism. Often novice first career playing Taoism, then, after the switch to other occupations will be more relaxed. This career is also suitable as a final career. Another Tyrant play career, except that bully novice and equipment opponent outside of little significance.

2, the elements, the Almighty, but everything is not strong. Advantage of you tired of Tianyuan land exchange, tired of the yuan can change Tianyuan, change the play good. Tianyuan can fly, brush this fast can not say, but very interesting, especially some figure can rise to the great heights. PK, then, for the casual gamer to play the Tianyuan general point of view, is no longer a remote fort positioning, but a magic damage human shields. Disadvantages: Tianyuan relatively weak, the only barrier (the release of an instant state of defense), electric-hyun, the darkness can be used to fight strokes. PK, then, the Tianyuan may be well-trained pre-sentence, there are tumbling ability to avoid ground element can also be training without double-clicking the accuracy of such invincible skills

3, illusionist, the same all-around player, the same can be trained to a wide range of capabilities. I have not tried it, not much to say, this career is not only suitable for novice to play, but also for the veteran.

4, guardian, human shields, melee grappling super tyrants by virtue of several unique skills (Shield Slam, full moon, expert defense) great advantage, brush map vulnerable, but slow slow do not where to go . This career is also eating equipment career. The heap enough schistosomiasis, PK winning percentage is very high.

Mad war, fight trick skills more quickly onrush skills to compensate for the speed disadvantage. Novice play equipment assurance brush map or someone with a brush in Fig.
Not recommended for the following occupations:

1, Juggernaut, novice to play, easy to play into Mito flow wretched stream, not only lost the fun, it is apt to cause the recrimination affect the game mood. But this career can be said, C9 is not a restraint he, after all, speed is fighting the biggest advantage of the game. But this career with the level further open, and equipment to further enhance, and sooner or later will decline (personal view). In this career play instability, it is not suitable for novice play.

Hunter entire department, hunter Department does not shield the need to rely on the Q, a half, evade attacks, evasive move several public skills, as well as destruction of shock waves, strong air, ground shield vocational skills to evade, the novice is often difficult to meet the requirements, while due to occupational vulnerable, in fact, the hunter best level players play. Ranger, assassination, investigation, bullets master can do that others can not touch, advantages of hunter Department.

3, Warriors, even strokes complicated operation requires precise grasp the perspective location away from the skilled use of the skills initiative to abolish articulation skills. This vocational flexible style of play, flexible use, can prevent the restraint of others in a way suitable for veteran played several occupational play. Definitely not weaker than those so-called strong career game the PK interesting, Well, the process is very important, and sometimes do not have too much focus on winning or losing.

4, Rye, CD stream fight is Quick, Accurate, a few the skills can easily seckill others, several others skills is easily seckill you. Whether brush map the PK very strong, but playing for a long time will be boring. New players play, think PK weak master play skills will feel too little. There is no fight to recruit the kind of pleasure. Relies entirely on the walk, the anticipation.

5, the end of the career of the rapid response, the novice often difficult to meet the requirements. Even move operation is more difficult the novice need a month to achieve the requirements of the basic LianZhao combat. Also predict demanding also need to give full play to the role of breaking anti Sword of terror. And track batter's turn perspective only cut the first knife skills.

6 sickle novice play will blindly rushing, does not take full advantage of Dengyun jump, no double-unparalleled flurry no double-click them to avoid the way, Battle warrior Department, the Maken Department disadvantage. For other occupational used to play Shaman Department.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The bullets Nitian whether the impaired players demo talk about feelings

Others say bullets How Guards, the weakened relatively silent, new each occupation, always spray, strengthen the weak say what a group of people. Strong what a group of people shouting weaken.
Be honest, bullets really can not be greatly weakened, weakened in annihilation bullet career.
In fact, the Magic Bullets is somewhat similar to the previous, although there is little Magic once the scenery, but I say skills.
Signs skills like bullets firing limit similar to Magic the former forbidden magic, you must close the remote can not hit anything, and forbidden magic harmony, understandable, even if the harmony bullets, stiff and close limit shall be wholly in harmony under at most, lightning shooting what harmony stiff enough, a lot of people saying that the limit of ten seconds cooling troubles, indeed, the time almost. (1)

Others did not have to be harmonious, scattering what is equivalent to the Magic of Masturbation.
Bullets in the short-range attack, no defense, nirvana close on a few, and the blood thin, even when compared with harmonious Magic, this harmony has unsightly.
Play bullet know experience tyrants body, and how helpless assault, anti-blood thick high or long-range career.