Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Guild Wars 2's February update gives players a bit more loot
Guild Wars 2 might sell itself as not being a loot-focused game, but let's face it: No one wants to pound on a giant for five straight minutes without getting a new sword. So players were more than a little annoyed when exactly that was happening. After extensive investigation, director Colin Johanson posted to the forums confirming that the team believes it's found the problem and will be fixing it with the large patch later this month. sell Guild Wars 2 gold
The short version is that the game has a set of criteria to determine whether or not a player gets credit for killing an enemy and whether or not said player gets loot. Unfortunately, the conditions for getting loot from a target, especially high-health targets like most Champions, were extremely restrictive and could easily result in players deserving of loot winding up empty-handed. The next major patch will correct this issue, with better criteria for determining loot drops and an assured blue drop from any Champion killed.
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Friday, February 1, 2013
Diablo 3: Aktualisierung der Patch Notes zu 1.0.7 - M?nch-Buff, bessere Archon-Rüstung, Drop-Rate für d?monische Essenzen verringert
Die Entwickler von Diablo 3 haben den vorl?ufigen Patch Notes zu Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 ein Update verpasst. Laut den neuen Angaben sind die Grundwurfwerte der Attribute für die Archon-Rüstung, die mit 1.0.7 ins Spiel kommen, erh?ht worden. Dafür beeinflusst die Monsterst?rke die Droprate vom neuen Handwerksmaterial D?monische Essenz weniger stark als in einem vorherigen Test-Build.
Diablo 3: Patch 1.0.7 bringt unter anderem Duelle zwischen Helden und neue Rüstungen.
Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 kann derzeit von Euch auf dem ?ffentlichen Testserver ausprobiert werden und wird stetig mit gro?en und kleineren ?nderungen versorgt. Um die Anpassungen zu dokumentieren haben die Entwickler die vorl?ufigen Patch Notes zu Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 angepasst. M?nche, die gerne die "Woge des Lichts" einsetzen, werden sich über weitere Modifikationen des Geisteskraftverbrauchers freuen. Neben dem Initialschaden wird auf der Folge-Waffenschaden von 390 Prozent auf 829 Prozent erh?ht. Dazu werden auch die Skillrunen "Explosives Licht" und "S?ule der Uralten" gebufft.
Mit Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.7 kommen auch neue seltene Rüstungen ins Spiel, die Archon-Rüstungen. Diese werden unter anderem mit dem neuen Handwerksmaterial D?monische Essenz hergestellt, die wiederum von Elite-Gegnern und Bossen im Inferno-Modus droppen k?nnen. Gro?e Events im Spiel, die auch eine Aufladung "Mut der Nephalem" ausl?sen k?nnen Euch nun auch mit einer Essenz belohnen. Dahingegen wurden die ursprünglich recht hohen Monsterst?rken-Boni für die Droprate der Essenzen nach unten korrigiert. Die Droprate betr?gt auf Monsterst?rke 0 nur noch 15 Prozent statt 20 Prozent, auf Monsterst?rke 10 nur noch 38,9061 Prozent statt 80,9112 Prozent. buy diablo gold
Immerhin wurden auch die Grundwurfwerte der Attribute auf der Archon-Rüstung angepasst. Die Grundwerte rangieren nicht mehr zwischen 100 und 115, sondern zwischen 201 und 230. Alle weiteren Neuerungen k?nnt Ihr nachfolgend in den englischen Updates lesen.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Guesting coming to Guild Wars 2
ArenaNet has announced that the Guesting feature is coming to Guild Wars 2 with the January 28th update.
Originally a launch feature, guesting will allow players to to join their friends on other worlds in the same region. This means your character will get the same loot and experience as if playing on your own home world. Guesting players cannot participate in WvW, and will be limited to two different servers at a time.
As this feature goes live, free world transfers will no longer be available. Make sure that you will be on the world you intend to play on before January 28th, because after that date, you’ll have to pay a gem fee to transfer worlds.Buy content of the ninth gold
Transferring to a new home world will now cost a gem fee. The gem fee for world transfers is based on the population of the world you want to transfer to. Transferring to a high population world will be more expensive. Players will still not be able to transfer to worlds that are Full.
Guild Wars 2 is a PC MMO that launched in August 2012. The game recently revealed as having sold over 3 million copies.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
-30% all weapons in the Great Emporium
As a final special celebration to the end of the holiday season, Ankama is offering you 30% off of Emporium items that cut, crush, stab, swing, and smash! We're also pleased to release two more former Magazine-only sets - the Poppinz Set and the Prisoner Set - for your purchasing pleasure.
If your new year's resolution involves becoming more powerful, you might be interested in acquiring a new weapon to help you on your way. That's why we've put every weapon in the Great Emporium on sale! From now until January 16th, every weapon in the Emporium is 30% off its normal dofus gold
However, if you're more of a pacifist at heart, the Poppinz Set is just perfect for dishing out spoonfuls of sugar or reining in rowdy Dragoturkeys. For budding bad boys, the Prisoner Set is an ideal set to wear while breaking out of jail with some friends in search of treasure.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
How Many Hours of Diablo 3 Have you Played?
An interesting thread has recently appeared in the general D3 forum from fmulder in which he is polling members on the number of hours they've played.
I've often asked myself (usually when reading complaints about d3) how many gaming hours can you reasonably expect from a PvE game costing (£40/$50/€40) including end game content. There are definitely people lambasting d3 who have clearly clocked up triple digits but duly expect, well demand really, many more. At what point have you had your money’s worth?
The majority of people who have taken part in the poll have clocked up 500 – 1000 and even though there’s a huge difference between those 2 figures 500 hours I would say is good value. There are a couple of people who have even tipped over the 1000 hours mark. That’s pretty hardcore. But, select your own figure and see where you end up.
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