Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guesting coming to Guild Wars 2

    ArenaNet has announced that the Guesting feature is coming to Guild Wars 2 with the January 28th update.

    Originally a launch feature, guesting will allow players to to join their friends on other worlds in the same region. This means your character will get the same loot and experience as if playing on your own home world. Guesting players cannot participate in WvW, and will be limited to two different servers at a time.

   As this feature goes live, free world transfers will no longer be available. Make sure that you will be on the world you intend to play on before January 28th, because after that date, you’ll have to pay a gem fee to transfer worlds.Buy content of the ninth gold

   Transferring to a new home world will now cost a gem fee. The gem fee for world transfers is based on the population of the world you want to transfer to. Transferring to a high population world will be more expensive. Players will still not be able to transfer to worlds that are Full.

  Guild Wars 2 is a PC MMO that launched in August 2012. The game recently revealed as having sold over 3 million copies.
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