Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Many Hours of Diablo 3 Have you Played?

     An interesting thread has recently appeared in the general D3 forum from fmulder in which he is polling members on the number of hours they've played.

     I've often asked myself (usually when reading complaints about d3) how many gaming hours can you reasonably expect from a PvE game costing (£40/$50/€40) including end game content. There are definitely people lambasting d3 who have clearly clocked up triple digits but duly expect, well demand really, many more. At what point have you had your money’s worth?

    The majority of people who have taken part in the poll have clocked up 500 – 1000 and even though there’s a huge difference between those 2 figures 500 hours I would say is good value. There are a couple of people who have even tipped over the 1000 hours mark. That’s pretty hardcore. But, select your own figure and see where you end up.

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